Misjon og urfolk - sammendrag av en konsultasjon

I januar 2018 var representanter fra Den norske kirke, misjonsorganisasjoner og akademikere samlet i Tromsø for å drøfte forhold et mellom urfolk og kirke og misjon.

Misjon og urfolk - sammendrag av en konsultasjon

Indigenous peoples and mission – summary of consultation

Representantives from Church of Norway, NGOs involved in mission, and academics have been gathered in Tromsø 18-19 January 2018 discussing the relationship between the indigenous peoples and church and mission.

A brief summary follows: 

We, the participants of the discussion in Tromsø wish to acknowledge that:

• all of humankind is created in the image of God (Gen 1,26)

• traces of God can be found in all places and among all

• peoples shall and are called to participate in the praise of God (Rev 7,9-10;21,24.26)

• as Christians we are all one in Christ (Gal 3,28).

• our diversity as peoples is part of the diversity in God´s creation

• all of humankind are in need of Christ and the Church is constituted to bring Christ to all peoples

• while as followers of Jesus Christ we have a vocation to bring the gospel to all people, we have no right to impose our culture on other people, or consider one culture as superior to another

• Our christian faith both affirms and challenges different aspects of all cultures

We want to encourage our churches and organizations to

• recognize God in all cultures and creation

• focus on sharing the gospel in a holistic way through forgiveness of sins, struggle for justice, reconciliation and healing

• join the often impoverished indigenous peoples in the struggle for livelihood, their own perception of history, maintain their roots and identity, and self-determination of governance and planning their future

• peel off the layers of colonialization so that the gospel can be received and implemented in a way that is relevant in different cultures among the peoples

• focus on the struggles of indigenous youth with their identity as Christians, struggles that are caused by the churches’ role in assimilation and cultural oppression

• recognize, name and counteract the dynamics of the abuse of power and structures of inequality

• continue to work in coalition with indigenous peoples in ways that empower and liberate

• strengthen indigenous peoples ownership of Christian faith

• learn from genuine and life-affirming aspects of indigenous cultures, and let them enrich the various churches´ understanding of Bible and faith

• take steps to assure that Christian mission is a humble, accompanying and empowering presence among indigenous people

We encourage indigenous communities to

• take part in ecumenical and cross-cultural networks and dialogue

• share their experience and understanding of the christian faith with others


The discussion was hosted by

Samisk kirkeråd - Sami Church Council, Church of Norway  

Samarbeid menighet og misjon - Congregation in Mission, Church of Norway  

Mellomkirkelig Råd - Church of Norway Council on Ecumenical and International Relations  

Nord-Hålogaland bispedømme - Nord-Hålogaland Diocese, Church of Norway  



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